About us

Our team


HUMAN INTERNATIONAL is a civic assosiation that has been helping those in need since 2006. In cooperation with the Austrian aid agency ORA International, we regularly distribute relief supplies to hospitals, schools, retirement homes, orphanages as well as deprived people, families with several children and older people in need. The activity of our organisation surpasses the achievements of the previous years from year to year. For instance, in 2007 we received and distributed 16 truckloads, while this number in 2019 was already 60.

Hanspeter Hofinger and Ladislav Molnár


The warehouse of Human International is located in Šahy (54 SNP street). The lorries are unloaded there. The warehouse is also used for storing and distributing the goods. We are open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

We donate relief supplies to more than 70 institutions every year. These institutions include hospitals, retirement homes, children´s homes, social and crisis centres, schools and NGOs, not only in Slovakia, but also in Hungary, Romania and Ukraine where this year we have delivered the most packages.

Hanspeter Hofinger and Ladislav Molnár

Our team in Ardagger


Thanks to ORA International, more and more institutions, NGOs and private citizens support our activity in Austria. They offer us their equipments that they do not need any longer, so that we can pass them on to those in need. It feels really good as well as the fact that a lot of people keep supporting and encouraging us. This is proven by the high number of those volunteers that either work for our organisation selflessly or donate things to us that someone can still make use of.


Thanks to our website and large-scale work, more and more people and institutions find out about our activity and we receive more and more requests from Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Ukraine. Quite often, civilians entrust us with their difficult fate, looking for a way out and a solution. Day after day, many people try to reach us over the phone, ask for felp and visit us during the opening hours.

We keep records of givers and receivers too.

We keep an account for our incomes at ČSOB Banka, a.s.:

IBAN: SK7975000000004030052774

If you agree with our desire to help and you would like to help organisations as well as children and families in need, or if you would like to take part in similar actions, please support our goals and endeavours, because there are still many people waiting for help…

László Molnár,

Pomocná ruka

Humanitárne zásielky

Podpora nemocníc


Rozdávanie jedál

Rozdávanie jedál

V našich priestoroch pravidelne rozdávame potraviny odkázaným. Väčšinou sú to trvanlivé potraviny, ale ročne raz alebo dvakrát uvaríme aj teplé jedlo. Často roznášame potraviny aj do krízových centier, alebo ich zástupcovia prevezmú potravinovú pomoc priamo v našom centre. Tieto akcie zvyčajne sú veľmi obľúbené, nakoľko čím ďalej, tým viac ľudí potrebuje našu podporu.


Human International has been working together with Waberers International, a group of companies based in Budapest, for 10 years now. Márta Békési (in the picture), a broker, quickly recognized the mission of our organisation and, as a result, she is always eager to precisely organise the transport of donations from Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Poland. Her exemplary attitude greatly contributes to the successful work of our organisation.

Márta Békési and Ladislav Molnár

Currently, our main partner in Wien is Mr. Erich Szabo, Honorary consul, the director of AFRRIKA-HILFE IN NOT.


Further important supporter of our organisation is Wolf-Dieter Pichler and his volunteer team; they raise funds for us in Waldneukirchen and its surrounding area. We owe them a big thank you and we really appreciate their support.


Our team

annus peter


Péter Annus

Annus Ilona


Ilona Annus


We distribute relief supplies to Eastern Europe on a regular basis.

Human International

HUMAN INTERNATIONAL is a civic assosiation that has been helping those in need since 2006. In cooperation with the Austrian aid agency ORA International, we regularly distribute relief supplies to hospitals, schools, retirement homes, orphanages as well as deprived people, families with several children and older people in need.

Contact us


SNP 54, 93601 Šahy


+421 903 216 743




ČSOB Banka a.s.

IBAN: SK 7975000000004030052774